Life in Pictures
I have been the worst blogger around.. i know.. but so much has happened over the last month.. that i dont think i have enough posts to cover them.. so I decided.. let me just post some pics covering my life this past month
The Mehendi

My Backyard

Well.. thts just the gist of it... each pictures.. has a trillions words behind it...:)) and hopefully i can start penning down those words quickly
well for the jokes as ususal - office humor

Keep Smiling ppl
The Mehendi
Wedding ... Triplicane....i have nearly a whole post on that amazing event
Munnar... Gods own holiday spot :)
Flight - Chennai - Singapore - Seol- San Francisco

My Backyard

Well.. thts just the gist of it... each pictures.. has a trillions words behind it...:)) and hopefully i can start penning down those words quickly
well for the jokes as ususal - office humor

Keep Smiling ppl